Paper Nowhere version 0.1.53

Change log for Paper Nowhere version 0.1.52:
-"Tuning lab" and "forgotten mall" areas re-added.
-Fixed "TV" static texture not loading properly.
-Returned "TVs" to their natural habitat in the "haunted hotel" area.
-Added a tolerance level to the dialogue actor's 'look at' functionality.
-Global particle spawnrate scale on lower quality levels is .25 higher.
-Nevermind. Detail modes no longer effect particle spawnrate scale.
-Added new original sky textures to replace the old ones.
-Made major adjustments to skysphere colors and positioning to fit new clouds.
-Improvements to the glow effect used by the ceiling lamps.
-Spotlights now look good when looking directly at the camera.
-Adjustments to reflection captures, more use of bright desert cubemap.
-Prototype Paranoia interaction added in forgotten mall.
-Extra pipe added in boiler room.
-Added slightly more light to boiler room.
-Very minor adjustments to the boiler in the boiler room.
-Fog added to boiler room.
-PushCrate_Prop now has sound effects for sliding along the ground.
-Doodle now has animations for pushing boxes.
-Fixed a bug that made signs still have collision when hidden.
-Shorthands in apartment now apply anxiety effects on Doodle.
-Trying to leave the apartment complex without the pen after picking up the crowbar now causes Doodle to remember he still needs the pen.
-Box re-added to "haunted hotel" area.
-Music added to Downtown areas.
-Text added to Downtown inkpot.
-Downtown inkpot moved to shimmer room desk.
-The boiler room inkpot and compact are now required to activate ending sign.

Change log for Paper Nowhere version 0.1.53:

-Fixed boxes being too heavy to be moved by the mortar.
-Fixed a squished questionmark sprite outside the forgotten mall.
-Fixed a bugged reflection capture in the downtown area.
-Fixed a bug where the box pushing animations wouldn't work at low framerates.
-Hopefully fixed a bug that caused Doodle to pull out the crowbar once randomly after entering a new area.
-Fixed some glass shards existing before Doodle wrote anything there.


PaperNowhere version 0.1.53 - Windows x64 334 MB
Dec 04, 2020

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